Saturday, 16 February 2008

Proper Winter Weather

Just spent a week travelling from Toronto ON to Cleveland OH via Niagara Falls.
They have quite interesting weather out there!!!

We arrived on the 7th at Toronto Pearson to be greeted by 6 inches of snow from a storm the night before, temperature at 5pm was -3.C.
We visited the CN tower the following morning the 8th. There were snow flurries and the temperature at 9am was -5.C with a cold wind taking the temperatures even lower.
The 9th was similar to the 8th with temperatures around -6.
We travelled to Niagara on the 10th. We left at midday with the temperature at -6. By 3pm it was -10. with a reported wind chill of -20. It continued to get colder and by 8pm my weather station was reporting -14.2!!!
The following morning the 11th it was down to -17.3 and with wind chill -30. It made it very interesting to view the falls. The "lake" below the falls was completely frozen and I reckon I could have walked over to the US side with little problem. I probably wouldn't have tried though...
The 12th started cloudy with a temperature of -10. We jumped on a Greyhound for the trip to Cleveland. It started snowing at the US customs in Buffalo and then started get very heavy. By the time we reached Cleveland 5 hours later there was a good 4 inches of laying snow. Impressive stuff!
We had snow flurries and temperatures in the range of +1 to -5 for the rest of our stay which was a welcome relief.
Great winter weather and quite an experience for a snow starved southerner!!!